So Roran and Jess are back from Oly (again). I seem to be missing out on a lot. Jessica's best friend is pregnant too, but I'm really getting tired of NOT having them around for 2-3 days a week. I think after our chat that it is going to cut down a lot, so that is good.
The reason I'm saying this is because I figured out what it is like to be a parent. A couple of weeks ago, Jess went to Oly for a day or so and ended up spending the entire week down there. That was hard. I had his bouncy chair song stuck in my head the whole time and it literally, physically hurt not to have them here. OK, mostly Roran not being here (love you honey!), but seriously I was not OK with it.
I have no idea if other fathers feel this way, but that is why I have asked Jess not to go to Oly so much. That and the fact that Roran seems to 'forget' who I am after a couple of days. He gets startled so much easier when I see him after a couple days and it's really hard on me. One minute he is fine and then the next he jumps like "Who the hell are you?" and won't stop crying until Jess comes and gets him. After a couple of days back with me this seems to go away, but that doesn't do a lot for a new father who has to work and gets pretty limited time with his only child in the first place.
Anyway, have a good evening. Jess and I are off to have a glass of wine and some 'adult' fun...playing Beatles Rockband you perverts. ;-)